Articles by Chris Sabin


When I was in high school, its safe to say that I did not always get along with my parents. My younger brother and I very rarely ate meals with them—tensions were that high. Now…

A Rose is a Rose

Valentine’s Day — like other holidays when you’re working retail, it sucks. But it’s especially depressing if you’re not in a relationship. People with chocolate, wine, cards, roses, etc., rushing off to be with their…


I’ve written a few times about my buddy, J-Cat. In my last installment I wrote that I had a dream about him which I took as a premonition of his death. A couple of years…


Working at a supermarket, I was sometimes tempted—against my better judgement—to buy a roasted chicken from the hot case in the store. “Don’t do it,” my co-workers  in the kitchen advised. I listened. They should…

Good Sports

“This game’s supposed to be fun, goddammit, fun.”   —Bull Durham Growing up in northern New Jersey my brothers and I were naturally Yankees fans and… Minnesota Vikings fans. Allow me to explain. In the early…


I almost died the other day. I almost had an accident. And it was all my fault. I am not a great driver. I am not a good driver. I didn’t start driving until late…

The Whale Bus

I’ve only had a car about ten years which means that for a large part of my adult life I relied on the kindness of friends and relatives and public transportation to get around. When…


One afternoon at the store my boss offered half of her barbecue beef sandwich. She had bought it up the street at a new restaurant and she couldn’t finish it.  “But it’s good,” she told…


I go running most mornings. Not very far, but often. I go running and then afterwards, I stop at the grocery store where I work. I get a donut, a cup of coffee and sit…


FILM NOIR: NOT WHAT IT SEEMS       “ You may think you know what you’re dealing with – but believe me, you don’t.”                    …